The Cinema Sound Production Studio has undertaken a series of works for the historical biopic “Other Franko,” which explores the life of Petro Franko, the younger brother of writer Ivan Franko and an intriguing, enigmatic figure. Only recently has the general public begun to show interest in Petro’s biography.
Directed by Ihor Vysnevsky, the film features renowned Ukrainian actors Akhtem Seitablayev and Vyacheslav Dovzhenko, who portray the lead roles and are considered Ukrainian sex symbols.
Petro’s life is brimming with mysteries and adventures. He was an aviator and played a pivotal role in the early days of Ukrainian military aviation. Additionally, he was one of the founding members of the Plast Scouting Organization of Ukraine and served as a deputy in the USSR Supreme Soviet.
The film primarily focuses on historical events, specifically highlighting June 21, 1941, a significant day in Petro’s life when he mysteriously vanished without a trace.